Themeluesi i Google zbulon taksin ajror, Zelanda e Re e gatshme të bashkëpunojë

Themeluesi i Google zbulon taksin ajror, Zelanda e Re e gatshme të bashkëpunojë

Themeluesi i Google Larry Padge ka publikuar disa foto të jashtëzakonshme se si duket një taksi ajror, i quajtur Cora.

Cora do të udhëtojë në vitin 2021 në qiell, thuhet sipas një kompanie elektrike “Kitty Hawk”.

Por ky projekt do të financohet nga Page, si dhe automjeti është i dizajnuar të përdor një softver vetë-fluturues, i cili kontrollon 12 ventilatorët e saj për të siguruar ngritje dhe shtytje përpara, pa pasur nevojë drejtues të mjetit.

Flutarakja me një helik që është i vendosur në pjesën e pasme, Cora do ta arrijë shpejtësinë deri në 110 mph si dhe mund të ngritet 150 deri në 910 metra, raporton “DailyMail”, transmeton Periskopi.

Qeveria e Zelandës së Re ka njoftuar një marrëveshje për testimin e mjetit, që nga koha e publikimit të pamjeve të jashtëzakonshme.

Kompania shpreson të përdor Zelandën e Re si bazë e operimit të testeve për gjeneratën e ardhshme që të shtyjë zhvillimin e aviacionit teknologjik.

Mjeti ka një parashutë në rast të emergjencave./Periskopi/

Flying taxis built will take to the skies in 2021, according to the company behind the Cora all-electric vertical take off and landing vehicle

Built with funding from Google's co-founder Larry Page, the craft is designed to use self-flying software, which controls its 12 fans to provide lift-off and forward thrust - without the need for a runway

Once airborne, a single rear propeller pushes Cora through the air at speeds of up to 110 mph (180 kph) at altitudes between 500 and 3,000 feet (150 and 910 metres)

New Zealand's government has announced an agreement to test the vehicles, revealed for the first time in stunning footage, in the country

Cora was created by Kitty Hawk, run by former Google X head Sebastian Thrun and named after the town in North Carolina where the Wright brothers completed their first controlled flight

The firm hopes to use New Zealand as its base of operations for testing out the next generation of vehicles to push the envelope of aviation technology

The project is being run by Zephyr Airworks, formerly known as Zee.Aero, one of two firms funded by Page to develop flying cars. Cora has a range of around 62 miles (100 km) and is designed to accommodate two passengers

Speaking about approaching the New Zealand government Zephyr CEO, Fred Reid, said: 'We had no idea what to expect. They could have laughed us out of the room. We were pitching something that sounded like science fiction'

Dr Peter Crabtree, of New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), added: 'In New Zealand, we know we can’t keep using the same old approaches to meet our future challenges. We saw Cora’s potential as a sustainable, efficient and transformative technology that can enrich people’s lives' 

News of Page's ambitions for building a flying car first emerged in 2016, after reports he had personally provided £70 million ($100 million) to two startups developing the technology. He had been funding Zee.Aero and Kitty Hawk, rival companies based in California's Silicon Valley

Zee.Aero was set up in 2010, working on a small, all-electric plane that could take off and land vertically – essentially a flying car

While there was much speculation that the company was affiliated to Google, as their headquarters were next door, Zee.Aero fiercely denied the claims

It has since been revealed that Zee.Aero does not belong to Google or its holding company, Alphabet. Instead, it belongs to directly to Page

Page had demanded that his involvement stay hidden from the public, according to ten people with intimate knowledge of the company who spoke to Bloomberg Businessweek at the time

In 2015 a second competing flying-car startup called Kitty Hawk, also began operations in its headquarters close to Google's. Kitty Hawk's president is Sebastian Thrun, th¬e head of Google's self-driving car programme and the founder of its research division, Google X

AirSpaceX unveiled its latest prototype, Mobi-One, at the North American International Auto Show in early 2018. Like its closest rivals, the electric aircraft is designed to carry two to four passengers and is capable of vertical take-off and landing

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