Beteja për mbijetesë: Fëmija 7-ditësh operohet në zemër, mjekët kishin frikë nga më e keqja (Foto)

Beteja për mbijetesë: Fëmija 7-ditësh operohet në zemër, mjekët kishin frikë nga më e keqja (Foto)

Një nënë ka publikuar foto të pabesueshme të bebes së saj pasi ai ishte operuar në zemër kur kishte lindur pas shtatë ditëve.

Nëna 25-vjeçare, Aimee Roberts ishte e shkatërruar pasi fëmija i saj Leo kishte vuajtur nga një problem në zemër.

Por ajo dhe partneri i saj Alex Nicholls, 26-vjeçar, u tha se djali i tyre do të kishte nevojë për kirurgji të hapur dhe u njoftuan nga mjekët për më të keqën, raporton “Daily Mail”, transmeton Periskopi.

Zonja Roberts, nga Keynshami i Somersetit e ka pritur në ankth për gjashtë orë operimin e djalit të saj shtatë javësh.

Edhe pse operacioni rezultoi i suksesshëm, Roberts tha se ishte e “tmerrshme” të shihte djalin e saj të shrirë si i “pajetë” nën një ngrohës për të sjellë përsëri temperaturën e trupit.

Ajo tha: “Unë qaja vazhdimisht. Sytë e tij ishin të fryrë. Ai nuk jepte shenja jete. I mbuluar me tela për t’i dhënë frymën, ai ishte i mbuluar me pajisjet mjekësore.”

Ajo gjithashtu tregon momentin kur ndodhej në spital, pas një kohe relativisht të gjatë ku kishte mësuar shumëçka nga fusha e mjekësisë.

“Ne mësuam të gjitha rreth ekokardiogramës, ECG-së, monitorëve, testeve të gjakut, diagrameve, rreziqeve dhe mundësive.”/Periskopi/

Aimee Roberts, 25, was devastated when a scan just after birth showed baby Leo was suffering from four congenital heart problems

Both she and partner Alex Nicholls, 26, were told their son would need open-heart surgery - and were told to fear the worst

And the new mother said she had 'never cried so much' as when she handed her son to the anesthetist when he was just seven days old (pictured with Alex and Leo)

And although the surgery was a success, Miss Roberts said it was 'awful' seeing her son lying 'lifeless' under a heater to bring his body temperature back up

But Miss Roberts has praised the work of the surgeons, doctors and nurses from ward 32 at Bristol Children's Hospital who saved Leo's life

'He still has two heart conditions, which we have a review for at the end of February. He's still not perfect, but he's doing really well,' Miss Roberts said

Miss Roberts, from Keynsham, Somerset, waited anxiously for six hours as little Leo was taken into surgery

Five days later, on November 19, 2017, Leo contracted an infection and doctors had to completely re-open his chest - and leave it open for a week, covered by just a suction pad

Leo was born a week prematurely, on November 6, 2017, at St Michael's Hospital, Bristol, with four different congenital heart conditions

He was diagnosed with coarctation (narrowing) of the aortic arch, Patent Ductus Arteriosus (abnormal blood flow between the heart's arteries), multiple holes in the heart, and Bicuspid Aortic Valve (two heart valves instead of three)

Doctors assured Miss Roberts that Leo's heart conditions were congenital, and there was nothing she could have done differently

Miss Roberts added that Leo weighed 7lb 1oz at birth - but because he was so ill, his weight dropped almost immediately to 5lb

And as Leo was born a week prematurely, doctors had to wait seven days until he was the correct weight to operate on

Miss Roberts was discharged from St Michael's Hospital and moved to the Cots For Tots charity house opposite, for the parents of severely ill babies

Leo remained in hospital for the first nine weeks of his life, during which time he had five further operations for complications and infections arising from the surgery

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